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Is My Child Doing Well in School?

September 27th, 2022 by Chris Marblo

Two students giggle while drawing on a mapWhen parents ask me how they know their children are having a positive experience in school, I ask them a simple question: are your children joyful going to and experiencing school? I make sure to note the difference between joy and happiness. Happiness is good but fleeting. We are happy when we realize freshly baked chocolate chip cookies are available in the dining hall. We are happy when a friend is particularly nice to us. We are happy when the New York Mets win their games. (Sorry, I had to get that one in.)

Joy is related to happiness but is more profound. It is a state of being as opposed to a transitory feeling. We are joyful when we are satisfied with how our lives are unfolding, or when our values are in sync with our actions, or when we are engaged in meaningful activities. And joy does not mean the absence of negative emotions. In fact, sometimes we feel most joyful when we surmount a difficult challenge and effectively manage the full spectrum of our emotions.  

How do children demonstrate joy? First, they smile a lot. They might manifest physical energy like skipping or jumping up and down. They can also show deep contentment, peace of mind, and quiet confidence. Regardless of how it manifests, joy is a state of being that children seem naturally attuned to. I think they are, in some profound way, built for joy.

It is, accordingly, important that the school experience reflect and foster the joyful nature of children, and joy is certainly at the heart of Charlotte Prep. Every day I see students literally skipping into school. I see students embrace their musical or dramatic performances with delight. I see joy in the work of our teachers, who approach their relationships with students with a joyful heart.

Joy, quite simply, is the superpower of great teaching and learning, and it is the fuel for so much of what is good about our school.

Posted in the categories Head of School's Notes, Parenting.