We are proud to offer an athletics program with a rich tradition of competing
at the highest level
The goal of our program is to remain cohesive alongside our school’s Four Pillars of character development.
Tiger Pride is something we are proud to showcase as a premiere independent school in the Charlotte area. Charlotte Prep’s athletics program offers the opportunity for students of every age to learn the important lessons of good sportsmanship, practicing to improve performance, teamwork, and putting forth one’s best effort.
Athletics is an extension of our overall mission as a school. We strive to build character and integrity through a loving, disciplined, and supportive environment under the leadership and guidance of those who teach and coach our student-athletes.
In order to build a firm foundation for life through athletics, our program teaches students to challenge themselves, cooperate as a team member, and compete with character.

Sports Offered at Prep
Coed Cross-Country
Boys and Girls Soccer
Boys and Girls Tennis
Girls Volleyball
Boys and Girls Basketball
Coed Golf
Girls Cheerleading
5th - 8th Grade Interscholastic
Each year, more than 80 percent of our Middle School students participate in at least one interscholastic sports team.
Charlotte Prep is one of the few schools that allow 5th Graders the opportunity to be a part of our sports program. Our student-athletes go on to other schools prepared for the competition they face. Sports offered: Coed Cross-Country, Boys Soccer, Girls Tennis, and Girls Volleyball in the fall; Boys and Girls Basketball in the winter; and Coed Golf, Girls Soccer, and Boys Tennis in the spring.
All Middle School athletes are required to complete an athletic waiver, a concussion form, and a sports medical form. In addition, parents of all student-athletes must read and sign the Athletics Handbook. If you have questions regarding athletics at Charlotte Prep, please contact the Admissions Office and we will put you in touch with the appropriate resources.
After School Athletic Studios
Various athletic studios are offered to students of all ages, from Pre-Primary to 8th Grade. Golf, Tennis, Martial Arts, Soccer, and Gymnastics are some of the Studios offered.