Learning at Charlotte Prep incorporates the concept of being service-minded and understanding there are needs
both locally and globally
At Charlotte Prep, we believe that service learning is an integral part of educating tomorrow’s leaders. Our community service initiatives serve two of the key values of our mission statement to build character development and leadership.
The Middle School Leadership curriculum includes service learning components that allow each student advisory group to adopt one or more projects to support during the year. Our students have opportunities to present these projects to the younger students in the Early and Lower School, furthering their leadership experience and presentation skills.
These service learning projects:
- Create an awareness of the needs of others
- Nurture compassion and empathy for others
- Create situations in which the student can begin to understand how their actions impact the lives of others
- Develop a life-long commitment of service to society

Recent school-wide service projects:
- Freedom School Partners - quarterly efforts to collect needed items
- St. Jude Children’s Hospital - our community raised money and had the largest group attend the local race to support St. Jude
- Gift tag making - proceeds went to support rescue dogs
- Holiday singing - our chorus traveled to local nursing homes to entertain the residents during the holidays
- Veterans Day - gather donations and write letters for care packages to soldiers
The leadership curriculum expounds on the idea of servant leadership and the importance of civic engagement. As a result of these initiatives and discussions, many students engage in a variety of community service activities outside of school.