The Goldilocks Effect: Choosing the Right Sized School
February 27th, 2024
We know that children are unique and have particular needs, and one of their most important needs is to be truly comfortable and connected in their school setting. One key factor that greatly aids in this comfort and connection is school size.
If a school is too small, children will not have the social and educational stimulation they need to grow and develop. And if a school is too large, children may feel overwhelmed by the sheer size and scale of their school. Neither of these outcomes is desirable.
Choosing a school that is the right size for children is paramount to their healthy development. We believe the size of Charlotte Prep is just right – not too small or too large. Schools between 350 and 450 students afford an intimate and warm scale. Students are truly known and loved. They feel connected to their classmates and students in other grades, which makes them an integral part of the larger school community.
These connections give students the foundation they need to thrive as students and people, which is one reason why our graduates do so well when they leave Prep and go to high school. We have been surveying parents of 9th graders for the past two years, and 95% of parents believe their children were extremely or very well prepared for high school. This, combined with the fact that since 2015, 94% of our graduates have received admission to one or both of their top two high school choices, points to the effectiveness of our PreK-8 model and the size of our school.
One of the most important decisions we made during the last strategic planning process was to remain committed to the size of our school. Simply put, we know the size and scale of our school works and is best for the children we serve.
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