Now viewing articles in the category Leadership.
A Seventh Grader's Startup
March 25th, 2025
Lennon’s foray into business started with something all too familiar—migraines. He has struggled with them since childhood, but one day his great-aunt Connie introduced him to a homemade remedy.
Liam's Prep Story
November 12th, 2024
While my Prep journey is unique to me, it is not uncommon for Prep students to have similar experiences: pursuing their interests, surrounded by other passionate students and supportive faculty and staff.
The Power of Middle School at Prep
March 20th, 2024
The middle school experience in a PreK-8 school like ours provides students with long-lasting positive outcomes. They become more confident and capable students and people, and we know from experience that Prep graduates thrive in high school and beyond.
Model UN Club Awarded at Conference
February 29th, 2024
Our middle school Model UN club recently participated in CHARMUN, a long-standing annual introductory Model UN conference for local independent school teams.
How Our Middle Schoolers Become Leaders
February 8th, 2023
The value of a truly excellent education does not merely come from what is being taught or the quality of instruction, but from the opportunities to apply that learning in the service of others. Thus, lessons in leadership ultimately become a mindset, not just an action or series of actions.
Prep Alum Commits to Hondurans in Need
January 10th, 2023
A member of an already incredibly impressive class that has earned early decision admissions at schools including Harvard, Kenyon, Northeastern, and NYU, this Prep lifer is off to Tulane next year with altruistic plans for the future.