Now viewing articles in the category Academics.
Prep's Inaugural Joy Term
January 31st, 2025
Enjoy photos and videos from Charlotte Prep's inaugural Joy Term! Joy Term offered students a chance to think outside the box, make meaningful connections, and develop a global mindset that will inspire learning long into the future.
Posted in: School Stories, AcademicsGrowing Flexible Thinkers
October 30th, 2024
When we think about preparing young children for school, many parents focus on foundational academics, like counting or recognizing shapes, or social skills, such as sharing and communicating. While these are essential, there’s another skill that deserves equal attention: flexible thinking.
Connected Learning at Prep
September 5th, 2024
Here at Charlotte Prep, we’re committed to cultivating an environment where students engage in deep, transferable learning experiences that extend beyond traditional academic boundaries.
Posted in: AcademicsKeep Learning Alive this Summer
May 16th, 2024
As the school year draws to a close, many parents begin contemplating how to keep their children engaged during the summer break. Here are some practical tips for families to keep the learning flame alive during the summer!
Third Grade Wax Museum
May 1st, 2024
As one of Prep's signature experiences each year, our third graders create their very own wax museum! The students dress as a historical figure they have researched, stand "frozen," and recite a speech when visitors approach them.
Prep Scholar Awarded at State Science Fair
March 28th, 2024
We are thrilled to announce that a Prep 8th grader was awarded at the state-level Science and Engineering Fair on Saturday in Raleigh.
Kindergarten's Gingerbread Baby Scavenger Hunt
December 15th, 2023
Each year, Mrs. Tucker does a one-of-a-kind STEM challenge with our Kindergartens. They bake gingerbread babies and design traps to catch them using the engineering process. Then when their mischievous babies run away, they're taken on a hunt around the school to get them back!
Prep Students Dive into the IXL Universe
October 19th, 2023
We are thrilled to announce the addition of IXL, a powerhouse program that's set to revolutionize the way your kids experience math from grades 3 to 8.
Posted in: School Stories, AcademicsDesigning an Excellent Curriculum
May 10th, 2023
At the heart of a school is the interplay between teaching and learning. We assume that when something is taught it is learned, but that is not always true. Good teaching is much more than the simple delivery of information, and students are not passive recipients of knowledge.
Posted in: Head of School's Notes, AcademicsEducation, Change, and Continuity
March 1st, 2023
We are living in a moment of great societal change, and schools are being rightly challenged to keep up with and reflect the times.